These organisations recognise the importance of integrated research on Marine Protected Areas within the Great Southern Reef. Linking these together paints a comprehensive picture of changing ecosystems that enhances our understanding of threats to biodiversity and management options for ecosystem protection and restoration.

Parks Victoria
There are 30 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) across Victoria, Australia which are managed by Parks Victoria. These include Marine National Parks (MNP), Marine Sanctuaries (MS), Marine and Coastal Parks, Marine Parks and a Marine Reserve.
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TAS Parks & Wildlife
Tasmania has approximately 5,400 km of coastline – more coastline per unit area than any other State in Australia. About 80–90% of species of most marine groups are endemic, compared to only 10% of species in most groups in northern tropical waters. As a result, the marine environment of Tasmania and similar southern areas is in many ways more significant in world terms than tropical areas such as the Great Barrier Reef.
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SA Department of Environment, Water & Natural Resources
The key objective of the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources’ state marine park network is to protect and conserve marine biodiversity and habitats. Therefore the research goals are focused on assessing the effectiveness of the park network at achieving a range of goals.
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NSW Department of Primary Industries
Marine protected areas are parts of the NSW marine estate managed to conserve marine biodiversity and support marine science, recreation & education. The NSW system of marine protected areas includes; 12 aquatic reserves, 6 multiple use marine parks, & ~ 20,000 hectares of national parks & nature reserves.
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WA - Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
The key objective of the Department of Environment and Water’s state marine park network is to protect and conserve marine biodiversity and habitats. Therefore the research goals are focused on assessing the effectiveness of the park network at achieving a range of goals.
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Ecology & Biodiversity Centre
As one of the three core research programs within IMAS, the Ecology & Biodiversity Centre is broadly concerned with understanding the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems. Our research has a particular emphasis on temperate systems, though has global outlook and capacity.
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Parks Australia
Parks Australia looks after Australia’s natural treasures – including Kakadu, Uluru and our beautiful oceans. We are responsible for six national parks, 60 marine parks and the Australian National Botanic Gardens.
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Reef Life Survey
Reef Life Survey is a non-profit citizen science program in which trained SCUBA divers undertake standardised underwater visual surveys of reef biodiversity on rocky and coral reefs around the world.
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Great Southern Reef Foundation
The Great Southern Reef Foundation is run by an independent team of science, media and education professionals working to promote the recognition, stewardship and long-term health of Australia’s kelp forests.
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