Great Southern Reef Project
Safeguarding natural values of the Great Southern Reef
The Great Southern Reef extends 6,000km from NSW to WA, including the area south of Tasmania. It is home to some iconic endemic species – the leafy sea dragon, blue groper, black cowry and other recognisable species.
For over two-thirds of marine species found on the Great Southern Reef, this is their only home – but it sits on a climate-change hotspot and due to human and environmental impacts on the reef over time, this precious ecosystem is under threat - urgent action is needed.
About the Project
The Ian Potter Foundation makes grants nationally to support charitable organisations working to benefit the community across a wide range of sectors and endeavours. Through its grants, the Foundation seeks to encourage excellence and support Australia's talent – the innovators, social entrepreneurs, scientists, academics and researchers, artists and teachers, and those in our society who dedicate themselves to bettering our communities for the benefit of all.
Project Partners
Project partners include:
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies - Coastal Ecosystems Team

Professor Graham Edgar

Dr Scott Bennett

Assoc. Prof Neville Barrett

Assoc. Prof Rick Stuart-Smith

Assoc. Prof Scott Ling
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies - Centre for Marine Socioecology Team

Dr Emily Ogier

Professor Gretta Pecl

Dr Emma Church
University of New South Wales

Professor Adriana Verges

Professor Will Figueira

Dr John Turnbull

Professor Alistair Poore

Dr Nathan Knott

Dr Melinda Coleman

Dr Alan Jordan

Dr Melissa Hatty

Dr Mark Boulet

Dr Michael Sams

Professor Thomas Wernberg

Dr Tim Langlois

Dr Tom Holmes

Dr Jordan Goetze

Professor Sean Connell

Danny Brock

Jamie Hicks

Stefan Andrews

Dr Sahira Bell

Dave Logan

Dr Prue Francis

Professor Graham Edgar

Assoc. Prof Rick Stuart-Smith