Parks Australia

Our Partners

Key Research Goals of Agency

To conduct, or cause to be conducted, scientific research and monitoring programs necessary to manage marine parks and reserves; conserve marine biodiversity generally; assist in identifying and planning for new marine parks and reserves; and contribute to regional marine planning.

Key Partner Contact: Dave Logan

Senior Marine Parks Officer

  • Marine Parks management
  • Monitoring

How long-term collaboration has helped local management

The ATRC has assisted with the long term monitoring of temperate Australian Marine Parks such as Geographe Bay, Cod Grounds, Norfolk Island and Elizabeth and Middleton Reef, across the last two decades. Now with a broader group of associates, the ATRC provides PArks Australia with a national network of marine managers and researchers to facilitate knowledge exchange and future collaborative programs.

Australian Temperate Reef Collaboration

We acknowledge the generous support of our partners
Where are we based
University of Tasmania
© Images by Antonia Cooper